Time to take a break from the usual fun-filled post and be serious. I was practically jumping for joy when I read this article! I don't know if any of you have heard, but in the UK David Cameron is going to "back a plan to stop retailers from selling inappropriate clothes for pre-teens and shield children from sexualized imagery across all media". Retailers would be prevented to sell pre-teen clothing with suggestive slogans. And many, many more things would be banned. You can read the full article here.
A few weeks ago I happened to be watching the news and they did a whole report about a padded, push-up bikini for GIRLS, not women or juniors, GIRLS- at Abercrombie I believe they said it was. I hope if this all gets passed in the UK they'll pass in the US because I'm sick of seeing all these little girls (Don't get me wrong I'm sick of seeing other teens and women in these too!) in short-shorts and bikinis and all sorts of other disturbing things!
What do you think of the supposed ban?
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